About Heather

Heather is a wife and mom to two amazing kids (Erin and Jordan), fur mom to Zeek (labrador), Penny and Phoenix (our rescue calico yin yang kitties), award winning photographer and owner of Imagine That Pix, a working professional, blogger, chauffeur, cook, scrapbooker, adventurer, writer, semi-extreme couponer, graphic designer, and novice wine connoisseur.  Give her any plant, and she can kill it. Give her a closet, and she will give you a new perspective on the game of Tetris. And if you see her holding a hammer and nails, or a stapler, guard your walls. She has never met a peanut butter cup she didn’t like, loves all things comic books, can’t stand tuna, and remembers when Pluto was a planet. She aspires to some day own a panther chameleon, and have her own property for a sustainable living farm and large dog foster/rescue program. And if you see her with purple highlights, don’t be alarmed. It’s on purpose.  When she grows up, she wants to be Wonder Woman.